Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Safety and Security Our First Priority

 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski    

I can't believe the end of the 1st Quarter is just around the corner. Today marks 38 days of school. Next Friday, October 6, 2023 marks the end of Quarter 1. With the last 38 days in mind, I want to compliment the staff and students on the hard work and effort so far this year. Our school attendance rate is above 90%. If we can continue to improve our rate of attendance, I am sure we will see a vast improvement in our academic outcomes. 

During the last several months I have worked with the Board and the Administrative Team to develop goals, strategic objectives and actions plans for this year. The Governing School Board will consider a final ratification of the Strategic Plan at the October 17, 2023 Board Meeting.  None the less we have been working on the implementation of Goal Area 1: Safe and Healthy Environment, as it is of the first and foremost priority that we have. It is a foundation of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. Health and safety needs must be met before academic and cognitive needs can be successfully realized. Goal Area 1 states that Sacaton Elementary School District will have systems in place that will ensure that students and staff thrive in a safe and healthy environment. Our statement of intended outcome outlines the focus of this goal: Sacaton Schools systems will provide a safe and secure educational environment that is proactive and responsive to known and unknown threats at the district, school and classroom levels ensuring the physical, mental and emotional safety of students and staff.

The Strategic Objectives outline the steps that district intentions and actions:

  1. Sacaton Elementary School District will secure its campus. 
    1. Action Step: Evaluating the security of district grounds and facilities.

      1. Evaluating security signage and implementing signage where needed.

      2. Evaluation of the current district perimeter needs.

        1. Implementation of a perimeter  barrier to direct all visitor flow through the main entrances or building offices.

      3. Evaluate access points and perimeters for authentication and entry.

        1. Building, room and gate authentication and entry.

  2. Sacaton Elementary School District will provide  appropriate surveillance to mitigate and follow up with potential crisis.
    1. Action Step: Evaluating current placement and effectiveness of cameras in the surveillance system.

    2. Action Step: Implementing additional cameras where needed.

    3. Action Step: Implementing vap and noise detectors in bathrooms.

    4. Action Step: Implementing surveillance screens for live view by administration.

  3. Sacaton Elementary School District will be prepared to respond to potential crisis.
    1. Action Step: Identifying an Emergency Response Plan Coordinator(s).

      1. Updating the job description for the Emergency Response Plan Coordinator(s) to include planning as well as management duties.

    2. Action Step: Developing  and implementing a District Emergency Crisis Planning Manual.

    3. Action Step: Working with response agencies to analyze emergency preparedness using a Planning Committee.

    4. Action Step: Implementing an Emergency Response Protocols and Procedures Handbook.

    5. Action Step: Identifying and implementing crisis software for notification, identification, and reunification in an emergency situation.

    6. Action Step: Providing emergency response and protocol training to appropriate staff for responding in the case of emergencies. 

    7. Action Step: Schedule and conduct monthly crisis drills.

  4. Sacaton Elementary School District will assess current notification communication systems. 
    1. Action Step: Assess current web software for providing emergency information to all stakeholders.

  5. Sacaton Elementary School District will provide adequate measures of response to basic medical emergencies. 
    1. Action Step:  Assess and implement Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) to meet adequate measures for response to cardiopulmonary  resuscitation.

    2. Action Step: Provide basic response training in all buildings

      1. AED Training and Use

      2. CPR Training

      3. First Aid Training

Providing a safe and healthy environment is critical in the development of students. School should be a 100% safe space for all students. At Sacaton Elementary School District we want our parents, grandparents and loved ones to know that the safety of their family here at school is our number one priority. 


Perimeter Security for Students, Staff and Facilities

 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski It is with a great deal of excitement and a deep sense of responsibility for the safety of our studen...