Friday, July 26, 2024

Perimeter Security for Students, Staff and Facilities

 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski

It is with a great deal of excitement and a deep sense of responsibility for the safety of our students that the District is pleased to announce that it will be providing additional security measures for our students, staff and facilities at the Sacaton Elementary School District #18. A secure iron fence will be installed around the school district perimeter. It will be approximately eight foot high and will go completely around the school district. There will be brick columns to add strength and eye appeal. By securing the perimeters of the district, we will be able to provide additional assurances that students, staff and our facilities will be safe.

Individual access to our schools and our students and staff will be through the building offices at the district, elementary and middle school. Employees will use a Frequency Operated Button (FOB) to open gates and/or doors for access inside the fenced perimeter to enter their respective school. All visitor entries will be marked with appropriate signage to direct individual traffic through office doors or other entries. Buses will drop off elementary students behind the perimeter fence though the automated gates. Middle School students will be dropped off in front of school to enter through the gated portals.

The District has been planning this project for over a year. It is imperative that we protect our students and give parents the peace of mind knowing their children will have an additional perimeter of safety. 

Below are several architectural renderings of the project. 

As we complete the final details of the project, we would like to ask our stakeholders (students, staff, parents, and community members) to complete a quick survey regarding the color of the iron fence. Below is a survey link we encourage you to open to take the “Sacaton Schools Security Fence Color Options. Please click on the link or use the QR code to begin taking the survey.

The “Sacaton School Security Fence Color Option” survey will close at noon on August 9, 2024.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski

As we prepare for the upcoming school year, we want to highlight a critical component of academic success: consistent school attendance. At Sacaton Elementary School District #18, we understand that every day of school is a valuable opportunity for learning, growth, and development. We are committed to ensuring that every student benefits from the full range of educational experiences we offer. This is our “Mission Possible” here at Sacaton. We want you to know that your student’s attendance matters.

Why Attendance Matters:

**1. Impact on Academic Achievement: Regular attendance is crucial for academic success. Each day of instruction builds upon the previous day, and missing school means missing out on important lessons and activities. Studies consistently show that students who attend school regularly are more likely to perform better academically, achieve higher test scores, and graduate on time.

**2. Social and Emotional Development: School is not just about academics; it's also a place where students develop social skills, build relationships, and learn to navigate social situations. Frequent absences can impede social development, making it challenging for students to connect with their peers and engage fully in group activities.

**3. Long-Term Effects: Chronic absenteeism can have lasting consequences. Students who miss school frequently are at greater risk of falling behind academically, which can affect their future educational opportunities and career prospects. Establishing good attendance habits early on helps set the foundation for future success in higher education and beyond.

To support our commitment to improving attendance and ensuring every student has the opportunity to succeed, we are excited to re-introduce our district-wide initiative: "Must Be Present To Win."

"Must Be Present to Win" Initiative:

Our "Must Be Present To Win" initiative is designed to emphasize the importance of consistent school attendance and to celebrate the efforts of students who demonstrate dedication to their education. Here’s how the initiative works:

  • Recognition and Rewards: Students with excellent attendance will be recognized throughout the year. This can include special certificates, incentives, and participation in exclusive events designed to celebrate their engagement.

  • Support for Families: We understand that there may be challenges that affect attendance. Our initiative includes providing resources and support to families to help overcome barriers to regular attendance. We are here to work with you to ensure that every student can make the most of their time at school.

  • Community Engagement: We will be hosting workshops and informational sessions to further educate families on the impact of attendance and to offer strategies for improving and maintaining regular school attendance.

We encourage you to join us in supporting this initiative by prioritizing school attendance and working together to ensure that every student has the opportunity to thrive. Your support makes a significant difference in your child’s educational journey and future success.

Thank you for your commitment to making this school year a successful and enriching experience for all our students. Let’s make every school day count!

Perimeter Security for Students, Staff and Facilities

 by Robert "Bob" Lewandowski It is with a great deal of excitement and a deep sense of responsibility for the safety of our studen...